Sunday, November 18, 2012

One for you and one for me!

My son is a sharing person. Today after my run I made myself some scrambled eggs and gave him some. So what does he do? He shoved it into his mouth and then shoved the rest into my mouth. From then on we kept feeding each other with scrambled eggs. It was a blast. Earlier this week he had learnt to feed himself with a spoon if you hand it to him with some food on it. Well I am glad that my son shares :)
Today we went to the Aquatics Center with Kieran. The whole clan, three generations went playing in the pool. On arrival we found out that they had a Wingate swim-meet, but they had the warm pool open and in we went. Kieran had a ton of fun "dolphin'' riding on papa's back, jumping and bouncing in the water. We definitely had a good time.
His sleeping is getting better as well,so I assume we all will be able to have some sleep soon.

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